Having tests that have long execution time sux, but sometimes you can’t avoid it. Recently I’m involved in development of Windows Phone apps. Few tests have execution time longer than 1 second (ensuring throtling works as it should, integration tests,..).
I’m using MSTest framework and I have created an attribute for this tests:
public class LongRunningTestAttribute : TestCategoryBaseAttribute
public override IList<string> TestCategories
get { return new List<string> {"LongRunning"}; }
This is a sample of long running test:
[TestMethod, LongRunningTest]
public async Task TestThatTakesHisTime()
This is a snippet from my psake script:
FormatTaskName "-------- {0} --------"
Task Default -depends Build
properties {
$vstest = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe"
Task LibTests -description "run all library tests" {
Exec {
& $vstest App.Portable.Test\bin\Debug\App.Portable.Test.dll /InIsolation /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory!=LongRunning" }
Task LongRunningTests -description "runs longrunning test" {
Exec {
& $vstest App.Portable.Test\bin\Debug\App.Portable.Test.dll /InIsolation /TestCaseFilter:"TestCategory=LongRunning" }
Invoking LongRunningTests task will run only tests with LongRunningTest
attribute and invoking LibTests
will execute tests without LongRunning category.